Los días viernes los alumnos de 4to a 7mo grado trabajan en los talleres de actuación, baile, canto y escenografía preparándose para el Primary Concert a realizarse en octubre. Los alumnos Ciro Ignazi de 6to grado y Francisco Caballé de 7mo grado realizan entrevistas a los alumnos participantes de los distintos talleres y están encargados de actualizar este espacio dentro de nuestra página web, con información y fotografías sobre lo trabajado.Children from 4th to 7th form are working in the Acting, Dancing, Singing and Scenery workshops for the Primary Concert which will be held in October. Ciro Ignazi from 6th form and Francisco Caballé from 7th form are our journalists and they are in charge of updating our web page with information, interviews and photographs of our characters, dancers, singers and artists!

Written by Ciro Ignazi (6th form) and Fran Caballé (7th form)

Scenery: the group is finishing with the background


Joaquín Caballe «I feel very happy working in this workshop»

Dancing: they are practising the main choreo for the concert

Joaquín Maass "I feel so normal when I dance"

Joaquín Maass «I feel so normal when I dance»

Acting 1 and 2:  The group is reading the script and announcing the characters

Lautaro Martin "Maurice", Belle's Father. "I feel free and nervous before going on stage"

Lautaro Martin «Maurice», Belle’s Father. «I feel free and nervous before going on stage»